Tuesday, December 18, 2012

Christ and Children of Promise♥♥

Christ Ahnsahnghong and Children ofPromise♥♥

Are you receiving the blessing from Christ Ahnsahnghong? Christ Ahnsahnghonghas prepared much blessing for us, who is mortal on this earth. [Becoming children ofpromise] is the great blessing from Christ Ahnsahnghong. In other words, only those who are born as children of promise will be saved. Then, what promise has God given us?

Gal 4:28[Now you, brothers, like Isaac, are children of promise.]

Here, [You] means those who will be saved.Then, what’s the characterastics of them? Yes, all of them are “children of promise“. This is why we are to find out what promise God has given us!
Heb11:13[All these people were still living by faith when they died. They did not receive the things promised.] What’s that?

1 John 2:25[And this is what he promised useven eternal life.]

God clearly said that He promised us eternal life. Nothing can be more precious thanthis promise. We can live for ever and ever with this promise, although all of us are mortal on this earth. However, do you know who gives us eternal life? If NOT, this knowledge is of no use.

♣♣God the Mother ♣♣

Gal 4:26[But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.]

How blessed you are to read this! Now, God the Father helps us find out the existence of God the Mother. Why? It’s because only those who receives God the Mother will be born again as heavenly children, receiving eternal life.

Please, keep this in mind that only God the Mother can give us eternal life! This is God’s will. Even through all living creatures, you can understand God’s will. All living creatures receive their lives from father and mother, finally through mother. This is the same with our spirit.

Rev 22:17[The Spirit and the bride say, "Come!" And let him who hears say, "Come!" Whoever is thirsty, let him come; and whoever wishes, let him take the free gift of the water of life.]

In this last age of the Holy Spirit, whoever wishes can take the free gift of the water of life , receiving the Holy Spirit and the brideThe bride[the wife of the Lamb] is heavenly Jerusalem<Rev 21:9~10, Rev 19:7~9>. About this heavenly Jerusalem, Apostle Paul certainly testified that heavenly Jerusalem is our Mother“.

Christ Ahnsahnghong and God the Mother with WMSCOG

Christ Ahnsahnghong established World Mission Society Church of God, revealingGod the Mother, who is the most precious treasure in the whole universe. Come toWMSCOG, and receive the free gift of the water of life from Elohim God!!

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