Tuesday, December 11, 2012

We have to flow bible only

Pope Benedict XVI admits that Jesus wasn't born on Dec,25. finally, after hundred of years on deceiving its members by following a false tradition, the Pope ad
mits DEC. 25 was not the birth date of Christ, he also said that Christ born several years before 1 A.D, meaning to say, the creator of the Christian calendar that we use today committed a big mistake, as he claim.
Pope Benedict XVI admits that Jesus wasn't born on Dec,25.  finally, after hundred of years on deceiving its members by following a false tradition, the Pope admits DEC. 25 was not the birth date of Christ, he also said that Christ born several years before 1 A.D, meaning to say, the creator of the Christian calendar that we use today committed a big mistake, as he claim.

Pope Benedict XVI has a new book coming out this week in which he offers a closer look at the early life of Jesus, including his birth. The book shines a light on many Christmas myths Christians believe to be true, but in fact are not historically accurate.

Biblical fact vs. tradition
While some people may consider the Pope's book controversial as it steps on traditional Christmas toes, most of the information he shares is not new. In fact, if you take the time to do a Bible study on the birth of Jesus, the answers are there.

For instance, the Pope points out that evidence in the Gospels does not support the picture of animals and cattle around the baby Jesus in his manger; nor does it support angels singing about the birth of Christ. Luke 2:7 confirms Jesus was placed in a manger or feeding trough when he was born. Because it was a feeding trough people have assumed animals were there. And in verse 8 we are told that the shepherds in that region saw an angel, who announced to them not to be afraid and offers directions as to where to find the baby. The announcement was not sung.

"But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be the sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.

Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors!'" (Luke 2:8-14 HCSB).

Is the Pope the next Grinch?
The Pope's purpose in writing this book is not so much to debunk Christmas, but:
"The pope was not so much aiming to debunk myths as trying to show that the Jesus depicted in the Gospels is a real historical figure, who walked on earth and talked to people like anyone else." -- Alessandro Speciale: Vatican correspondent for Religion News

December 25
A Bible study on the early church does not mention celebration of the birth of Christ. The date December 25 stirs up a bit of controversy as well as it is tied to a pagan Roman holiday that honored their god Saturn. No one knows what day Jesus was born, but the Western Church in Rome decided on December 25, while the Eastern Church picked January 6. Eventually the time frame between the two dates became known as the "12 Days of Christmas."

Back to the Bible
To know whether or not your Christmas traditions are biblical, go back to the Bible. You may be surprised by what you learn if you take time to study Christ's birth. Just take a look at the visit from the wise men. They found Mary and the child in a house...not a stable.
Pope Benedict XVI has a new book coming out this week in which he offers a closer look at the early life of Jesus, including his birth. The book shines a light on many Christmas myths Christians believe to be true, but in fact are not historically accurate.

Biblical fact vs. tradition
While some people may consider the Pope's book controversial as it steps on traditional Christmas toes, most of the information he shares is not new. In fact, if you take the time to do a Bible study on the birth of Jesus, the answers are there.

For instance, the Pope points out that evidence in the Gospels does not support the picture of animals and cattle around the baby Jesus in his manger; nor does it support angels singing about the birth of Christ. Luke 2:7 confirms Jesus was placed in a manger or feeding trough when he was born. Because it was a feeding trough people have assumed animals were there. And in verse 8 we are told that the shepherds in that region saw an angel, who announced to them not to be afraid and offers directions as to where to find the baby. The announcement was not sung.

"But the angel said to them, “Don’t be afraid, for look, I proclaim to you good news of great joy that will be for all the people: Today a Savior, who is Messiah the Lord, was born for you in the city of David. This will be the sign for you: You will find a baby wrapped snugly in cloth and lying in a feeding trough.

Suddenly there was a multitude of the heavenly host with the angel, praising God and saying: 'Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to people He favors!'" (Luke 2:8-14 HCSB).

Is the Pope the next Grinch?
The Pope's purpose in writing this book is not so much to debunk Christmas, but:
"The pope was not so much aiming to debunk myths as trying to show that the Jesus depicted in the Gospels is a real historical figure, who walked on earth and talked to people like anyone else." -- Alessandro Speciale: Vatican correspondent for Religion News

December 25
A Bible study on the early church does not mention celebration of the birth of Christ. The date December 25 stirs up a bit of controversy as well as it is tied to a pagan Roman holiday that honored their god Saturn. No one knows what day Jesus was born, but the Western Church in Rome decided on December 25, while the Eastern Church picked January 6. Eventually the time frame between the two dates became known as the "12 Days of Christmas."

Back to the Bible
To know whether or not your Christmas traditions are biblical, go back to the Bible. You may be surprised by what you learn if you take time to study Christ's birth. Just take a look at the visit from the wise men. They found Mary and the child in a house...not a stable.

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