Sunday, January 27, 2013

God the Mother is The best News in the World

Is it okay to call God the Mother?

This book talks about God the Mother as well as God the Father on the basis of the records in the Bible.

A few years ago when I read this book, I found very special lines.

 It said, " If we here on earth believe that a child grows up best with a father and mother - doesn't it also make sense that as a child of God we have a heavenly Father AND a heavenly Mother?

It's absolutely right!  It's natural that we have God the Father and God the Mother.

As everybody knows, there is the spiritual Father in heaven

Mt 6:9       "Our Father in heaven,"
The word "father" implies that he has his children.

2Co6:18     "I will be a Father you, and you will be my sons and daughters, says the Lord Almighty. 
It means that there has to be a mother who bears the Children.

Gal 4:26     But the Jerusalem that is above is free, and she is our mother.
Here, "our" is "God's children" who are to be saved.
God's children must have their spiritual Mother.
Without mother there is no life.

In order to give us salvation, Our Christ, God the Mother has already come!!
How Good News it is! :D
Through mass media, you can fine World Mission Society Church of God which believes in God the Father and God the Mother.

Plz come to God the Mother who is the love we are all looking for. :)

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